

If you are one of those body types who find it very difficult to build muscle mass, then this article is just right for you. Because here we will shed light on possible causes and give you valuable tips and tricks on how you can build muscle mass properly even as a hardgainer.

The 3 different body types

First of all, you should know what body types there are. In the first step, you should analyze which body type you most closely correspond to. In theory, a basic distinction is made between 3 body types:

The Ectomorph Body Type = Hardgainer

This body type finds it very difficult to build muscle mass. He needs a long time for regeneration, despite partially low load. On the other hand, this body type accumulates little to no fat.

The Endomorphic Body Type = Softgainer

This body type finds it easy to build up muscle mass. It regenerates quickly even under high loads, but is also very prone to fat deposits.

The mesomorph body type = PERFECT combination

Who is the "perfect" combination of the other two body types. It is easy for him to build up muscle mass. He regenerates very quickly despite high stress, quickly breaks down fat and it usually does not even come to larger fat deposits.
Of course, the theory meets one or the other hurdle in practice. In practice, for example, it may well be that an individual body type lies between the body types shown. It is also possible that the metabolism and other factors that influence the model change over the years. For example, at a young age, a person may have been able to eat whatever he or she wanted without putting on much fat. Years later, the same person has to be meticulous about what he or she eats, otherwise swim rings quickly develop that don't want to go away so quickly. One or the other certainly knows this problem from his own experience.

Am I even a hardgainer?

As already mentioned, you should first examine exactly whether you are a hardgainer at all. To do this, you simply need to leave your ego at home and reflect on whether your diet and training really fit. Do you train cleanly and properly, pay attention to a sufficient calorie surplus and a good diet, but do not build muscle mass? Then there is a possibility that you are actually a hardgainer.
Nevertheless, you should always be realistic with yourself. Because even if the framework conditions are right, a gain of 10kg muscle mass per year is far from being an indicator that you are actually a hardgainer. Reflect yourself realistically. This is the only way to know if you are really a hardgainer.
But if after this little self-analysis you still come to the conclusion that you are a hardgainer, then don't get discouraged and don't listen to the talk in the gym. Because you have already laid the foundation for your future success. Sure, it's not as easy for you as it is for others, and everything from nutrition to training has to fit perfectly, but that shouldn't be an obstacle! Rather the opposite should be the case! You can be all the more proud of every future success!

The metabolism of a hardgainer

This is sometimes the most important point to describe how it actually comes to the term hardgainer. At this point, however, it must also be mentioned that one always assumes a healthy person. People with diseases, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism do not count here. Because the metabolism decides which body type you are. Conversely, this doesn't mean that you can't do anything about it if it's disease-related.
Metabolism is another word for the energy that our body uses. When we consume various foods and beverages, our body converts them into usable energy, among other things. This means that people with a rather slow metabolism need less energy. People with a fast metabolism (=hardgainer metabolism) need more energy. Since the fast metabolism permanently needs a lot of energy, it is likely that the energy for other processes - such as muscle building or the accumulation of fat - is simply missing. If a hardgainer is also very active, a lot of energy is also needed. The remaining energy of a hardgainer is consumed by the basal metabolic rate, which the body needs to maintain all vital functions.

This is how muscle building works for hardgainers

In order to achieve real success, the very first thing you should do is discuss your daily calorie needs. To calculate this, you can either use a calorie tracker or a reliable app. You can also make it even easier for yourself by performing the following calculation:

Body weight (in kg) x 22 = X. The value X is then multiplied by the activity factor (= M). The result is your calculation basis in Kcal. It is important for the value M that you honestly estimate how the average activity is in your everyday life. The following possible values are available for the activity factor (= M):

Sitting activities: 1.3-1.6

Light activities: 1.5-1.8

Active: 1.7-2.0

Very active: 1.9 - 2.2

The following is a calculation example for a slightly active person (= activity factor 1.5 - 1.8) with a weight of 70Kg:

Step 1 - Calculate activity factor:

70 (kg) x 22 = 1,540

Step 2 -
Calculate Kcal

1,540 x 1.5 = 2,310 Kcal


A 70Kg person who is only slightly active needs Ø 2,310 Kcal daily.

Calorie surplus for hardgainer

Basically, if you want to build muscle mass, you need a sufficient calorie surplus. For a non-hardgainer, you would add about 200-300 Kcal to the calories calculated above. But if you are a hardgainer, this surplus will not be enough. As a hardgainer, you should plan on a calorie surplus of at least 500 to 1,000 calories. To achieve this, you should generally eat 3 main meals and possibly 2-3 snacks (even liquid).

Hardgainers often have the problem that they do not (can not) eat enough meals. They also often do without breakfast, because it is very difficult to eat something in the morning. The problem is that muscle building will not work without a substantial breakfast.

Especially breakfast is essential, because your body has not received anything during the whole night. Accordingly, the body's reserves are depleted in the morning and should be replenished!

Diet tips for hardgainers

Good snacks can be bananas, walnuts or protein shakes. Or, if you want it to be liquid, oatmeal is also excellent. Just put 150g of oatmeal together with 50g of protein powder of your choice and 500ml of low-fat milk in a blender and the snack is ready. With this basis you have just under 1000 Kcal with decent values together: 75g protein, 120g carbohydrates and 20g fat. In principle, you have already taken the most important proteins and complex carbohydrates. By the way, this mix is especially recommended if you can't eat breakfast in the morning. The whole or even the half portion is of course also wonderfully suitable as a snack in between.

Proteins and carbohydrates

As for the macro distribution, even the hardgainer does not need more protein than any other bodybuilder (= 1.5 - 2g / kg body weight). And carbohydrates, like any other athlete, should of course be "clean" (complex) carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, pasta, potatoes and rice.

Like all of us, you'll have your share of unproductive days when you can't get your carbs in. As long as your proteins are taken as usual, you can have a burger or a pizza every now and then (emphasis on sometimes!). That's perfectly fine.


You don't have to be meticulous about the fats either. Other athletes pay more attention to the fact that, for example, there is very little oil in the pan. As long as you use a good source of oil, such as coconut oil or walnut oil, you can go a bit overboard here.

Time of taking the meals

Another important point is the continuity of meals. For this, you should have a fixed plan that you stick to. Ideally, you should always eat your meals at about the same time. Many well-known bodybuilders also swear by this approach and believe that this is one of the most important factors for your success.

How should hardgainers train?

Next to nutrition, probably the most important aspect is how a hardgainer should train. In bodybuilding and weight training, the motto "a lot helps a lot" applies more and more often. This means that you should train until muscle failure in order to burn out the muscle properly. In addition, there are various training techniques, such as volume training or HIT training. In most cases, this is absolutely the right way! With a hardgainer, however, this can really go in the pants, because a hardgainer tolerates neither a very high intensity nor a very high volume. With time, this can certainly change somewhat, but in the beginning, unfortunately, this is the case for now. This is because the central nervous system (CNS) of hardgainers is quickly overwhelmed with this high load. This is not only suboptimal for muscle building, but even very counterproductive. Hardgainers quickly enter a phase which is very similar to overtraining. In addition, an overload of the nervous system ensures that you sleep worse, the regeneration slows down strongly and you are very susceptible to infections.

But how should a hardgainer train to build muscle?

Training plan for hardgainer

What an optimal training program for hardgainers looks like, we have summarized here:

  • Full body workout in a 2-person split
  • 5-7 sets per muscle group and training days
  • The duration of the training should not exceed 60 minutes.
  • The workout should be performed in a repetition range of 8-12 reps.
  • Breaks between exercises: approx. 4 min. & between sets: approx. 2 min.
  • Focus on basic exercises and avoid isolation exercises.
  • 3 days break between training days
  • Avoid too much cardio exercise.
  • Pay attention to sufficient nutrient intake to optimally support regeneration and build-up.

Dietary supplements for hardgainers



Before training:

BCAA or EAA / Booster

(without stimulants)



After training:

Creatine + Postworkout Shake


During training:

BCAA or EAA + short carbohydrates

(Dextrose / Maltodextrin, Clusterdextrin)



Especially after training and before you go to bed, Ashwagandha can be very supportive, as it is said to have a positive effect on cortisol levels (stress levels).


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