
Mass Phase and Definition Phase: Our Guide to Your Success

Are you a real gym freak and love to tone your muscles in the gym or at home? As you already know, you can build build up muscles in the mass phase and visibly define your "muscles definition phase visibly define. So that you in both phases more successes achieve in both phases, we have for you the best nutrition and training tips together!

Read on now and inform yourself,

How to succeed in the mass and definition phase: The basics

So that you in training build muscle and mass you should consider the following basics:

  • Take in more calories than you consumebecause more mass you can only achieve with a calorie surplus.
  • Make sure you eat a diet rich in proteinso that your muscles can grow. About 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day is recommended.
  • Focus on effective basic exercises like squats, deadlifts or bench presses.
  • Train with high weights and few repetitions.
In the Definition phase is about visibly defining your hard-earned muscles:
  • Reduce your calorie intaketo lose body fat.
  • Eat a diet rich in proteinbecause protein is good for your muscles and satiates.
  • Do cardio training after your strength training, to melt your fat reserves and define your muscles.
  • Train with less weight and more repetitions than in the mass phase. However, pay attention to a very high training intensity, so that you burn more fat on the one hand and protect your muscles from degradation on the other.

Success factor nutrient supply: The right nutrition for your mass and definition phase

A successful bodybuilding program requires a Targeted nutrition and specific trainingbecause one is not possible without the other! In the following you will learn how you should eat in the mass and definition phase: In the mass phase applies: 

  • Offer your body a calorie surplus - but in moderation. For this purpose take daily 300 to 500 calories more than you consume. You can find corresponding calculation bases on the Internet.
  • Make sure you eat a balanced diet that consists of about 50 percent of long-chain carbohydrates (e.g. potatoes (e.g., potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, whole-grain bread), 30 percent protein (e.g. poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products) and 20 percent good fats (e.g., avocado, olive oil, walnuts, salmon, flaxseed).
In the definition phase applies:
  • Reduce your calorie intake. However, you should not eat too little, otherwise you risk losing the muscles that you have worked so hard to build. Recommended is a deficit of 300 to 500 calories a day..
  • In the definition phase you should eat a lot of protein from high-quality sources (chicken, beef, eggs, fish, dairy products), fewer carbohydrates and good fats.

Classic or unusual: The best tips for your successful mass phase

In the mass phase you must classically eat more calories than you consumeby Increased carbohydrates you consume. The focus during training is on complex basic exercises like squats, bench presses and deadlifts. To make your muscles grow (hypertrophy), you can use during training 8 to 12 repetitions with 3 to 4 sets per exercise perform. Lifting the weights should be done quickly, and lowering them should be done in a controlled and slow manner.  So that you still faster success in the mass phase we have for you innovative tips compiled: 

  • Limit the calorie surplus in timeYour bulking phase should last 3 to 9 months before you move on to the definition phase.
  • Perform High-Intensity Training (HIT)If you want to build a lot of muscle in a short period of time, you can perform a high-intensity workout to maximize the use of your muscles. Perform one set per muscle until complete exhaustion. The high intensity workout should last about 45 minutes in total and you can do it 2 to 4 times a week.
  • Try super setsCombine two exercises and perform one set each with multiple repetitions until you switch to the second exercise. After a total of six single sets, you can switch to the next superset.
  • Do a full body workout againContrary to what you might think, a full body workout is not just for beginners. It can get you further in the mass phase, because your body releases more growth hormones during this workout than during a split workout.
  • Try creatine and beta-alanine: Many athletes swear by these two nutrients: creatine increases physical performance during high-speed strength training in the context of short-term intense physical activity in adults, provided that 3 to 5 grams are taken daily. If your body weight is around/about 100 kg, you can also take more creatine. Beta-alanine is an amino acid whose intake can also be useful for you. Remember that you should take beta-alanine daily to maintain a continuous level in your body.

A different definition phase: Can you achieve success faster with unconventional approaches?

In the definition phase, the focus is on burning fat so that your strong muscles become more visible and defined. For this it is classically recommended to Limit calorie intake, extensive cardio workouts and work out with the More repetitions to train to define the muscles.  Surely also help you these unusual tips in the definition phase, in order to record faster successes: 

  • Try cold and heat: Sports always result in torn muscle fibers or, if overused, sore muscles. You can prevent this with a cold application, e.g. in the form of a cold shower after training. If the muscle soreness has nevertheless "bitten" once, we recommend heat to accelerate the recovery of your body.
  • Put in an EMS training sessionHave you tried EMS as a supportive workout? It can help you boost fat loss, push muscle gain and increase maximum strength.
  • Practice yoga or Pilates: Both yoga and Pilates can help you train your flexibility and improve your body awareness to prevent injuries.

Success tips for both phases: How to reach your goals faster

No matter whether you are in the mass or definition phase. with these 5 tips you will reach your goals even faster: 
  1. Intermittent Fasting: Have you heard of intermittent fasting? In this special diet, you simply skip the early or late meal and fast for 16 hours a day. Intermittent fasting can help you reduce your body fat percentage during the definition phase. It is also believed that this diet can increase testosterone levels.
  2. Carb cycling: With this nutrition method, you consume more carbohydrates on training days, while significantly reducing them on non-training days. Thus, you have a lot of energy available during your workout. During the non-training time, carb cycling promotes fat burning.
  3. Food AppsGo the smart way and set your nutrition goals like muscle building or fat loss in a food app. The apps show you which foods are ideal for you and even suggest suitable recipes. If you prefer to count calories, there are special apps that support you. This way, you always have your nutritionist in your pocket.
  4. Cryotherapy: In the "cold sauna", the body is briefly exposed to temperatures as low as -180 degrees to improve blood circulation and metabolism. This can support your fat loss in the definition phase.
  5. Sauna: A recent study suggests that regular sauna sessions can promote muscle growth because heat is thought to lead to increased formation of new muscle fibers and the muscles are better supplied with nutrients by increasing blood flow.1

Your questions about the mass phase and definition phase: We have the answers

Want to learn more about the mass and definition phase? We have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers for you:

How can you create an individual nutrition and training plan for the mass and definition phase?

The creation of an individualized nutrition and training plan for your build-up and definition phase requires some background knowledge. If you don't feel like dealing with these topics in depth yourself, you can also ask a fitness and nutrition coach can advise you. This way you can make sure that you support your muscle building and definition phase in the best possible way!

What should you keep in mind when transitioning from the mass phase to the definition phase?

During the transition from the mass phase to the definition phase you have to reduce your calorie intake. To make this easier for you, you should create a create a nutrition plan and several smaller meals a day meals a day, but do not eat before the workout.

How can you measure and evaluate your progress?

In the Mass phase you can measure your progress with the scale. If your weight increases, you have most likely gained a lot of muscle mass. Another indicator is the hypertrophy repetition range during training. If you can continuously increase the repetitions, this indicates muscle growth.

In the Definition phase you can also check your progress with the scale, compare photos or with the tape measure Measure your proportions.

What typical mistakes should you avoid to effectively build muscle and lose body fat?

If you are in the mass phase If you are not progressing in the mass phase, it may be that you are eating too little, too many bad calories or your protein intake is not sufficient.

In the definition phase many people make the mistake of skipping meals or not eating enough. This is not a good idea, because with too extreme a diet your metabolism shuts down and builds up reserves. Please note that you should not reduce your body weight by more than 0.5 kg per week during the definition phase.

How long do the mass and definition phases last?

The Mass phase in weight training should between 3 and 9 months depending on the goals you have set for yourself. The definition phase follows immediately. We can not give you a time frame, because the duration of the duration of the definition phase depends on the accumulated body fat..

How do you stay motivated and focused on long-term goals during the mass and definition phase?

  • Set specific, measurable goalsSet specific goals for what you want to achieve, such as increasing the circumference of your upper arms by 4 cm or reducing your body fat percentage by 10 percent. Regularly reviewing your progress will ensure that you stay on the ball in the long run.
  • Schedule your goals realistically: Doubling your upper arm or leg circumference in 14 days is impossible. Set your goals realistically so that you stay motivated.
  • Schedule your workouts: Integrate your workout into your daily routine by putting fixed days of the week or times in your calendar - preferably with clock times.

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1 2 Toro V, Siquier-Coll J, Bartolomé I. et al. Effects of Twelve Sessions of High-Temperature Sauna Baths on Body Composition in Healthy Young Men. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2021).

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